Dr Ken Lee

1300 101 505

Dr Ken Lee

1300 101 505

Dr Ken Lee

BHSc (Dent), MDent (LaTrobe),
GDipOrth (JCU)

With a Masters of Dentistry, years of private practice experience and having been an active member of the Royal Flying Doctors Service, Dr Lee is passionate about improving the health outcomes of patients with leading technology in the field of snoring and sleep apnoea.

Utilising the latest clinical protocols and proven research to provide the most effective treatment, Dr Lee believes in the importance of working closely as a multi-disciplinary team with sleep physicians and ENTs. He has a strong focus on helping people prioritise their wellbeing and health and constantly aims to deliver treatment with integrity, respect, comfort and care.


Karadeniz, C., Lee, K. W. C., Lindsay, D., Karadeniz, E. I. and Flores-Mir, C.

Karadeniz, C. et al. (2021) "Oral appliance–generated malocclusion traits during the long-term management of obstructive sleep apnea in adults:", *The Angle Orthodontist*, 92(2), pp. 255-264. doi: 10.2319/041921-316.1.

Most recent articles by Dr Ken Lee

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) 

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) 

Sleep Apnoea is a common disorder where people stop breathing for a time while asleep at night. Men feature highly in the statistics...

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