Dr Ken Lee

1300 101 505

Dr Ken Lee

BHSc (Dent), MDent (La Trobe), Grad Dip Orthodontics (JCU), FDSM (ASA). Co-Chair Dental Sleep Council of the Australasian Sleep Association


Dr Ken Lee holds a Master’s in Dentistry and has extensive experience in private practice, with a particular focus on dental sleep medicine. He is a Fellow of Dental Sleep Medicine and serves as Co-Chair of the Dental Sleep Council of the Australasian Sleep Association, dedicating his efforts to improving outcomes for patients dealing with snoring and sleep apnoea through advanced, evidence-based approaches.

Whilst previously working with the Royal Flying Doctors Service, Dr Lee has contributed his skills to a wide range of communities. He values collaboration and works closely with sleep physicians and ENT specialists to provide comprehensive and individualised care for his patients.

Prioritising the well-being of his patients, Dr Lee delivers treatment with integrity, respect, comfort, and compassion. His unwavering dedication to enhancing the quality of life for his patients makes him a leader in the field of dental sleep medicine.


Karadeniz, C., Lee, K. W. C., Lindsay, D., Karadeniz, E. I. and Flores-Mir,C.

Karadeniz, C. et al. (2021) “Oral appliance–generated malocclusion traits during the long-term
management of obstructive sleep apnea in adults:”, *The Angle Orthodontist*,
92(2), pp. 255-264. doi: 10.2319/041921-316.1.

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