Woman Playing With Her Hair

What Is An Oral Appliance?

An oral appliance is the commonly used term for a Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS). It is worn during sleep to manage snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea. The appliance works by temporarily advancing the lower jaw and tongue forward. This reduces throat constrictions and opens the airway while sleeping to prevent snoring and sleep apnoea. Oral appliances are medically proven and considered to be one of the best treatments for snoring. It is also considered a frontline solution for patients diagnosed with sleep apnoea. Many people diagnosed with sleep apnoea are unable to tolerate a CPAP machine and are only able to use it sporadically. Oral appliances are a proven and more comfortable alternative.

Want to know more about oral devices and how they can help treat your snoring and sleep apnoea? Book a complimentary assessment call with our treatment coordinator via the button.

Have you seen us on 9News?

If you saw SleepWise Clinic featured on 9News and are interested in an oral appliance, please email us at info@sleepwise.com.au, call us at 1300 101 505, or click the button below to book an appointment at our clinic in Melbourne or Geelong.

The 3 Steps For Quality Sleep

Below Are the Three Steps for Overcoming Snoring and Sleep Apnoea. For More Details,  Please Visit Our Process Page.

Step 1
Attend the Initial Consultation
Step 2
Take Part in a Sleep Study
Step 3
Receive a Custom Oral Appliance

Rob Gets An Oral Appliance

Do You Have Sleep Apnoea?

Over 70% of people who regularly snore also have sleep apnoea, with most people unaware that they suffer from this condition. Take the free online sleep apnoea test – the first step in discovering how likely you are to have sleep apnoea.

  • R

    Effective Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Treatment

    Oral appliances are medically proven to be the best treatment available to stop snoring and are a frontline, comfortable solution for patients who suffer from sleep apnoea.

  • R

    Proven CPAP Alternative For Sleep Apnoea

    Many people diagnosed with sleep apnoea are not able to use the CPAP machine. Others are using CPAP for only part of the night. Oral appliances are the only proven alternative, yet far more comfortable.

Take Online Sleep Apnoea Test

Why SleepWise?

Satisfaction Guaranteed


We a Offer Satisfaction Guarantee

Cutting-Edge 3D Technology & Premium Materials


We Utilise State-of-the-art Appliances & the Latest in 3D Scanning Technology

Experienced & Dedicated Team


We Have a Highly Experienced and Dedicated Team

Leader in Dental Sleep Medicine


We Are an Industry Leader in Dental Sleep Medicine

First 12 Months Review Appointments Covered


We Cover All Review Appointment Within the First 12 Months

What Do The Medical Experts Say?

I am using an oral appliance myself and recommending them to my patients who have problems with snoring and sleep apnoea. I’m very impressed with the comfort and effectiveness of the new 3D printed nylon appliances.
Mr. Ed Pudel MBBS FRCS

ENT Surgeon, Melbourne, Australia

Oral appliances are easy to tolerate, effective and it costs a lot less than CPAP. 30 to 40 percent of our patients can’t use CPAP, and these patients almost always find the dental appliance helpful. I would recommend it as a first-line treatment… If I had sleep apnoea I would choose an appliance first.
Dr. Guillaume Buiret

Head of Sleep Medicine, University of Sydney, Former President of the Australasian Sleep Association

Research over the last 10 years has identified oral appliances for snoring and sleep apnoea as an important alternative to the CPAP machine.
Prof. Peter Cistulli

Head of otolaryngology, Valence Hospital in Valence, France

Watch Our Informational Videos

Demonstrating 3D printed nylon oral appliances for snoring and sleep apnoea
Dr David Cunnington, a specialist sleep physician discusses the importance of a sleep study
Today Tonight Television Report on the Effectiveness of Oral Appliances for Snoring and Sleep Apnoea

Read Our Latest Articles

The Articles Cover Everything That Concerns Sleep and Oral Appliances. We Hope You Find It to Be a Helpful Resource and Welcome Any Questions or Comments.

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Virtually all our patients achieve excellent results; however, if for any reason you are not satisfied, you will be entitled to an 80% refund of your treatment fee.  Read more about our Satisfaction Guarantee.

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Proud to be Australian Made

Did you know our custom made oral appliances are Australian-made in Melbourne? We’re extremely proud to hold this status to provide you with a device of the highest quality, resulting in unprecedentend comfort.


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